Add images and media

Please note: The block editor (“Gutenberg”) was introduced more than 2 years ago, and as such the previous “Classic” editor is being phased out. Our documentation will no longer include instructions for its use.

These days, it’s very common to see blogs that are full of images, as well as audio and video content. Please see the options below for including various media into your blog posts and pages.

Available space on your blog (File Quota)

Each blog has a maximum file space of 200MB.

Each file can be no larger than 2MB.

We recommend keeping images to 200KB or smaller, and hosting audio/visual content on a streaming server (like Google Drive or Youtube).

What should I upload to the blog?

The media section of the blog is really intended to host images that have been properly formatted for the web. Larger files, like audio and video, should not be stored in the blog, as you will quickly run out of space on your blog.

It is possible to upload documents to the blog – but not ideal. Blog posts should really contain the content you are presenting – text, images, media. Linking to static documents, like PDFs, takes your visitor away from your site. These files will also take up precious file space.

Each blog has a limited amount of filespace. The space provided is sufficient for hundreds, if not thousands, of images as long as they are properly optimized for web delivery. Video and audio files are much larger, so you need to take this into consideration when setting up your blog. It is your responsibility to work within the quota, and optimize your files for web delivery.


Did you create all aspects of the file you are posting? If not – meaning, if any part of your file was made by someone else – you need to ensure you have copyright authorization to post the image.

If you are permitted to post the image, you must properly cite it. There are many sources online that can help you properly cite images.

This can be really tricky, but Google image search has now made it a bit easier for you to find images that you are legally allowed to post. Read the details on this article.

Please see this page for more information about copyright at the university..

Embed different types of media

Link vs. embed

There is a difference between linking and embedding. Embedding an item will display it right in the blog post. This is possible with images, and certain media files – but not all file types. Linking just provides a link to the file, which visitors can use to download the file or open in another browser window (where applicable).

If you have found a video hosted on another website that you would like to share on your blog, but are unable to embed the video into your blog, the next option is to provide a link to the video.

All you need to do is paste the URL (web address) into a “paragraph” block. WordPress will automatically understand that this is a link, and will convert it so that it appears as a link should (possibly in a different colour from the rest of the text, and with an underline). Once this has happened, you can change the text that displays so that it includes the title of the video, instead of an unattractive URL.