Site Visibility and Privacy

All blogs are private when they are first created, but can be opened up for public access.

It is important to review and select the setting that is appropriate for your blog.

On this page:

Most private blogs require that users have accounts on the network (and possibly your blog). University staff, faculty and students don’t automatically have accounts.

Changing the Site Visibility

  1. Log into the Dashboard of your blog.
  2. In the sidebar on the left, click the ‘Settings’ heading.
  3. Click ‘Reading’ from the list of options in the resulting submenu.
  4. Read through the options listed in the “Site Visibility” section of the page, and select the level of visibility that works best for your situation.
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’.

*Please Note: If you want people to be able to subscribe to your blog using a News Reader (like Google Reader), you will need to select one of the top two options, that make it visible to the public. Most news readers are not sophisticated enough to read blogs that require a login and password. Also, our site collects all public posts on the Global Posts blog — if you wish to be excluded from this, but still need public access, you can set it to block search engines.

Site Visibility Options

  1. Allow search engines to index this site (MOST PUBLIC option)
    This option is necessary if you want people to be able to find your site by using a search engine. It will also include your posts in the list of recent posts found on the main website.
  2. Discourage search engines from indexing this site
    This option is great if you don’t want to restrict people from accessing your site, but you don’t really want it to be found by using a search engine. Keep in mind that this option merely asks search engines not to index your site. We have no way of ensuring they honour this request. If you select this option, your posts will not appear in the list of recent posts found on the main website, but your posts can still be aggregated.
  3. Visitors must have a login – anyone that is a registered user of can gain access.
    This ensures your blog is not visible to the public, but can be viewed by anyone who has a account and is logged in to Note that this will only allow users with accounts on to see your blog, and will not provide wide access to the university community (since most people do not have accounts on
  4. Only registered users of this blogs can have access – anyone found under Users > All Users can have access.
    Only people whose accounts have been added to your blog can see your blog. Posts on these sites cannot be aggregated.
  5. Only administrators can visit – good for testing purposes before making it live. (MOST PRIVATE option)
    Only people whose accounts have been added to your blog with an “Administrator” role and the Network administrators can see your blog. Posts on these sites cannot be aggregated.